We screen all our first-time clients
for the matter of safety and compatibility

We require photo ID and the following:

Employment verification: We need you to send an email to us from your company's email address. If you are hesitant, we can also give you our personal email address so that you could send an email like you would send to a friend. Hi, hello, how are you, and such.

If you can't provide employment verification, please provide both of the following.

--LinkedIn, Business card or anything else that can prove your employment. Approval is at our discretion.

--At least 2 of your recent escort providers for reference verification. We ask for providers' names, locations and phone numbers. A P411 handle with 3 or more okays are accepted as well.

If you pass this part of our screening, all you need is to bring 3 forms of IDs for your first appointment.

1 photo ID, 1 work ID or business card, and 1 credit card with a matching name.

All screening information is deleted right away whether you were approved or not. We value your privacy, so all information we receive will be strictly confidential.

We look forward to hearing from you!
